Research group

Principal investigator:

Jasenka Gudelj is Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb specialized in history of architecture of the Adriatic region. She obtained her PhD from School of Advanced Studies Venice, Italy and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pittsburgh and Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome. Her book Europska renesansa antičke Pule (European Renaissance of Ancient Pula, Zagreb, 2014), for which she won Croatian National Scientific Award, explores the critical fortune of the antiquities of Pula in the Renaissance. Gudelj is editor of Costruire il dispositivo storico: tra fonti e strumenti (with P. Nicolin, Milano, 2006), Renesansa i renesanse u umjetnosti Hrvatske (Renaissance and Renaissances in Croatia, with P. Marković, Zagreb, 2008) and Umjetnost i naručitelji (Art and its Patrons, Zagreb, 2010). She has also authored two exhibitions on early modern architectural treatises in Croatia (Dubrovnik, 2009 and Zagreb, 2012).


Giuseppe Capriotti is Assistant Professor of Early Modern Art History at the University of Macerata, where he teaches Iconography and Iconology and History of Images. After an interdisciplinary thesis in History of Religion – Early Modern Art History (2000), he won a PhD scholarship at University of Macerata (2000-2003), during which he studied at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris. He gave seminars at Université Pierre-Mandès-France of Grenoble, University of Zagreb and University of Split (Visiting Professor, January-April 2016). He published several articles and books on anti-Jewish and anti-Turkish painting, the fortune of Greek mythology in art (the fortune of Ovid’s Metamorphoses) and the connection between texts, images and mystical visions. His recent publications include Lo scorpione sul petto. Iconografia antiebraica tra XV e XVI secolo alla periferia dello Stato Pontificio (2014), L’abili del mito. Un’altra autobiografia di Benvenuto Cellini (2013) and the anastatic reprint of Lodovico Dolce’s Trasformationi (2013).

Francesca Coltrinari is Assistant Professor of History of Early Modern Art at the University of Macerata. She is member of the scientific committee and editor-in-chief of the journal Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage. She was member of the scientific committee for the exhibition Rinascimento scolpito (2006) and the international congress Lorenzo Lotto, per una geografia dell’anima (2009). She curated the exhibition Vittore Crivelli da Venezia alle Marche (2011). She coordinates the project CROSS-ship. The perception and communication of cultural heritage for audience development and rights of citizenSHIP in Europe. Her publications focus on history of art in Italy from the 15th to the 19th century, museums, Loreto and Lorenzo Lotto and artistic exchanges in the Adriatic area.

Daniel Premerl is Research Associate at the Institute of Art History in  Zagreb. He was awarded research and study grants from the University of Oxford (the Chevening scholarship), the Italian Government and the Getty Foundation. He has published several articles and book chapters on Baroque art and a monographic study on political iconography of wall paintings in the Illyrian-Hungarian college in Bologna (Bolonjske slike hrvatske povijesti. Politička ikonografija zidnih slika u Ilirsko-ugarskom kolegiju u Bolonji, Zagreb, 2014).

  • Danko Šourek (University of Zagreb)

Danko Šourek is Assistant Professor at the Art History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he has been employed since 2006. He obtained his PhD in Art History from the University of Zagreb in 2012. He was awarded research and study grants from the Croatian Ministry of Science; Central European University Budapest and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is the author of Altarističke radionice na granici: Barokni mramorni oltari u Rijeci i Hrvatskom primorju (Borderland Studios: Baroque Marble Altars in Rijeka and Hrvatsko primorje, Zagreb, Leykam international, 2015) and different studies on Renaissance and Baroque art and iconography in inland Croatia.

  • Tanja Trška (University of Zagreb)

Tanja Trška is Senior Research and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She obtained her PhD from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, co-tutored with the University of Zagreb. She was awarded research and study grants from the Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell’Arte Roberto Longhi, Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini Onlus, and Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Vicenza. Her research focuses on Renaissance and Baroque art and patronage and artistic exchanges between the eastern Adriatic coast and Italy.

Anita Ruso received her PhD in 2016 from the EPHE, PSL University Paris, co-tutored with the University of Zagreb, with the thesis entitled State architects in the Republic of Ragusa from 1667 until 1808, supervisors Prof. Sabine Frommel and Prof. Jasenka Gudelj. She has been awarded research and study grants from the ERASMUS programme, the French Government, Open Society Institute, region “Ile de France-Paris” and the French School at Rome. Her publications include: Artistic and Diplomatic Exchange between the Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Serenissima – Shaping Identity through Architecture of the church of Saint Blaise, in thematic volume of Euroacademia [in press]; Relation entre l’environnement économique et la production architecturale dans la ville de Dubrovnik du 17e au 18e siècles, Il Capitale Cuturale 8, 2014, pp. 349-366; Tiskani renesansni traktati o arhitekturi u Dubrovniku, Peristil, 56, 2013, pp. 101-112 (with Jasenka Gudelj).
